“Wow” factor charts have helped readers see a reality in a fresh way. Some Fed Dashboard & Fundamentals comments dug deeper into data, some painted a more complete picture of data points, and some framed the analysis in a more insight way. For more insightful framing, these are top picks:
DATA ANIMATION: No fear of deflation is cause is PIPE Factors (July 2015)
Tech and Trade Transformation
- It’s not secular stagnation; it’s the tech and trade transformation (October 2016)
- Tech & trade – “must discuss” topics for Jackson Hole (August 2016)
Complications of P/E, EPS and related ratios:
- To find better measures of value, look beyond broadsheet relics (November 2015)
- Market value – why P/E might not be what you think it is (May 2014)
Cash gearbox and natural interest rates (September 2015)
5 drivers of the stock market since 1951
- How to get over 90% of your returns with less stress – start with macro (September 2017)
- Comment replies for “Fed caused 93% of the entire stock market’s move since 2008” (March 2016)
- Distinct drivers of stock market boom eras (August 2015)
Strain Gauge (August 2017) – Measure strain (and equity price bubble) between financial markets and corporate output.
World to U.S., “Do you get globalization yet?” (Dec 2014) – Red Dots picture import impacts on prices, wages and hours worked.
Pig tails and price levels — a tale of inflation and you (Dec 2014) – pieces together a picture of restrained inflation.
Situation status and organic growth imperative (Oct 2014)
- Rise of the autonomous financial sector
- Domestic destiny derailed by deleverging, demographics, dilution and disjointed regulation
Growing cash and who has it
- Who are the 5 captains of corporate cash? (Nov 2015)
- Fed’s flight path dilemma — cash gearbox gives answers (Sept 2015)
- 3 insights for corporate cash – finding health (Sept 2014) – Corporate cash compared to investment is usually calculated with economic data, here fundamental data sharpens insight
Is this the Fed’s inflation trap? (Aug 2014) – Causes of price increases are critical to avoiding monetary policy distortions
Y2K – when workers hit the wall (Aug 2014) – Productivity to Real Wage per Person picture illustrates today’s situation and points to causes that pre-date the credit bubble bursting
How hot is housing? Before digging into dirt, dig into data (July 2014) — Housing is not a headwind; it is bubbly when benchmarked to Treacherous Triangle
3 insights from the Real Rates-Real People Curve (June 2014)
- Focus on real people pictures limits of monetary policy through history
- Updates Phillips Curve for focus on today’s dynamics
- Real Rates-Real People Curve data updated (Jan 2015) in Limits of Fed Policy – Real Rates-Real People Curve
- Real Rates-Real People Curve data update (Oct 2015) in Fed’s liftoff fail-safe — “Cap and lift”