- In the world of legal disclaimers, this site is provided for entertainment only. If it were education, it might be too boring.
- As this site simplifies for clarity, it’s not for real economists who love to give the same Greek letter more than one name just to confuse everyone else.
- This website has no affiliation in any way, shape or form with any agency of the U.S. Government or any source of the underlying economic data.
- Data may not be the most current published — always check the original source for the latest.
- Data may not be accurate due to a posting error here, intermediate processing error, or from the original sources which occasionally make calculation or publishing errors. Of course, all source data are subject to both sampling and non-sampling errors.
- Do not rely on this website for any investment decision, World Series prediction or directions to the grocery store.
- Opinions are those of individual contributors.
- It’s possible that the Surgeon General will find economics and/or economic data hazardous to your health. After all, since the beginning of economic data reporting the U.S., death data has been published. Throughout history, leading economists have eventually provided empirical proof.
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